Prayer for Being Disappointed

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your love and kindness. Thank you for being my personal counselor I can turn to in my time of need.

When things don’t work out as I had hoped and planned, its so easy to become disappointed. Sometimes I’m disappointed in myself for not being strong enough to follow through, other times I’m disappointed in others for not doing things the way I would have done them. Help me remember through my disappointment that I am not in control – you are. You’ve already figured out how all this will work out because you are not bound by time. When I’m feeling disappointed I will remember that Your ways are not my ways and Your thoughts are not my thoughts (Isa 55:8). Your word says You will work all things for the good of those that love You (Rom 8:28) so regardless of how things look, I will remember what You promised. I know that nothing is impossible for You (Luke 1:37) and that You are able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or even imagine (Eph 3:20).

I will shake off this disappointment. I will put my trust in You because You are my refuge and my source of strength (Psa 46:1). You are within me, I will not fall (Psa 46:5).

In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

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