Prayer for Clarity


Thank you for being my counselor. Thank you for being 100% available to me when I need you.

I am so scared of making the wrong decision. I’m unsure of the direction I should go and I really need clarity. Lord I don’t want to decide something that is wrong and will later hurt me. Please be with me and help me discern what I should do. Help me hear your word guiding my way (Isa 30:21).

Your word says to call to you and that You will answer me and tell me great and hidden things that I do not know (Jerm 33:3). Lord, I am calling you now. Give me direction. Please instruct me in the way I should go (Psa 32:8). I need wisdom for this decision and I’m asking You, just like your word says I should (Jam 1:5).

Lord remind me that you did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). Now that I have placed this in your hands, I will not worry about this decision or the outcome (Phil 4:6) , because I know you have great plans for my future (Jerm 29:11).

Thank you for your peace.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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