Prayer for Anger


Thank you for always being available. You are great and mighty, and still…you always make time to hear my prayers.

Please help me to control my temper. Help me be slow to speak and slow to anger (Jam 1:9). I want my speech to be just like it says in Colossians 4:6, always edifying filled with grace and salt to build people up and never to destroy.

I know I am your representative here on earth (2 Cor 5:20), so help me represent you well with my actions. When people don’t pull their weight or don’t do what I expect them to do, it makes me angry. But instead of lashing out, help me see them through your eyes so that I can always look first with love. Remind me that love always assumes the best, it is not self-seeking and does not keep a record of wrongs (1 Cor 13:5-7). I know that you see all things, both good and evil (Prov 15:3). You will bring justice to any situation, no matter what it is (Rom 12:19). My job is to put the situation in your hands and trust that You will fight for me (Exo 14:14).

Lord, I want to be like You. Help me change these habits or tendencies or characteristics that don’t belong so that people see You through me.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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