Prayer for Bitterness

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your love and your grace and your mercy, all of which I do not deserve. Thank you for caring enough about me to not leave me the same.

When people hurt me, help me to forgive completely, just like you forgave me, even if I have to forgive over and over again. (Matt 18:21). I know that your eyes go to and fro to strengthen those whose hearts are committed to you. (2 Chro 16:9). I know that your eyes are everywhere, keeping watch on good and evil (Prov 15:3). You are just. I can trust you to bring justice to any situation, so I will not allow a bitter root grow inside of me that turns into something bigger and bigger (Heb 12:15). Don’t let me go to sleep angry or let my anger cause me to sin (Eph 4:26).

I will Be still and know that you are able to fix any situation. You are able to give me peace that surpasses understanding. I can and will get through this because You promise I can do all things through You (Phil 4:13).

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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