Prayer for Financial Stress

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your provision. Thank you for all the things You have already given to me. Thank you for taking care of me.

When I start to panic about a financial burden, please remind me that YOU are my provision, not my job or anyone else. You will supply all my needs (Phil 4:19). You can make a way when there seems to be no way because you are the God of the impossible (Luke 1:37)! You already know how this will end because you have seen tomorrow.

My mind wants to focus on what I see and what I feel. So, when I feel like I’m drowning in piles of debt and I start to panic that I’ll never be done paying it off, remind me that your word says to not be anxious about anything, but instead pray about everything (Phil 4:6). When the enemy starts to play all the what if scenarios that could happen if I lose my job or if something else goes tragically wrong, remind me that You are in control. Your word specifically says not to worry about our everyday necessities (what we’ll eat or what we’ll drink or what we’ll wear) because You know we need them (Matt 6:31-32). You are my provider, my Jehovah Jireh. You will make a way for me.

Help me be a good steward of my money. Don’t let me overspend just to keep up appearances or compete with others. Provide me with creative ideas to help me make money or save money. Remind me that I am never ever alone, not even in this. Just like the birds don’t worry about tomorrow, because they know you will provide (Matt 6:26), I won’t either.

My trust is in You.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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