Prayer for Focus

Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for being my personal counselor. Thank you for promising to guide me and to never leave my side.

I know that I am here to do a work that you have predestined for me, but there are so many distractions that try to steal my attention to focus on lesser things that do not matter. Help me stay focused with my eyes directly forward (Prov 4:25).

Help me discern when the enemy is trying to distract me. Set my mind on things above and not on those of this world (Col 3:2). Keep me focused on things that matter. Help me make wise decisions. Help me make the best use of my time. (Eph 5:16)

Nothing matters more to me than You. Teach me, guide me, and help me make a difference in this world for You. Use me. Let people see You through me. Don’t ever let me lose focus on what is important.

In Jesus’ Name I pray.


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