Prayer for Forgiveness

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for completely forgiving my sins. Thank you for promising that there is no more condemnation for those in Christ. Now, help me pass on that gift of forgiveness to others (Col 3:13).

It is so hard to let this go. I keep playing the offense over and over again in my head. But instead of dwelling on it, help me to focus on anything lovely, anything pure, anything good (Phil 4:8). I know that you will bring bring justice to any situation. You promise to vindicate me (Rom 12:19). I know You see everything that happens (Prov 15:3) and I know You saw this.

When I feel tempted to hang on to an offense someone else did to me, I will remember your grace. I will remind myself that You have promised to FORGET all my sins and remember them no more (Isa 43:25). There is no reason why I can’t do the same with your help. Let no bitter root grow in me (Heb 12:15). Help me to truly forgive those that offend me.

Thank you so much for your grace and mercy that I do not deserve. Help me be more and more like You every day.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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