Prayer for Gratitude

Heavenly Father,

Thank you. I am looking for the most beautiful words that I could string together to say thank you, but nothing seems good enough.

Thank you for your resurrecting power. Thank you for restoring me, restoring my family. Thank you for the “new thing” (Isa 43:19) that you have started in me.

I will give my life as a living sacrifice to You (Rom 12:1) because nothing matters more to me than You.

Thank you for changing my circumstances. Even though it usually feels like You will almost be late, You never are. Thank you for always being right on time. Thank you for promising me the desires of my heart (Psa 37:4) as long as I seek You first (Matt 6:33). Thank you for listening to my prayers (Joh 5:14).

I will spend all my life forever grateful for your love and protection.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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