Prayer for Marital Problems

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for being the perfect example to me. Thank you for your unending love that never fails. Thank you for your mercy and grace that is completely undeserved.

Search my heart Lord and cut away anything that does not please You (Psa 139:23). Help me not do anything from selfishness or empty conceit (Phil 2:3). I want to be more and more like You and I cannot do that if I am merely looking out for my own personal interests (Phil 2:4). Help me love others as you have loved me (Joh 13:34), even when I sometimes don’t feel like it or when I feel like they don’t deserve it. I didn’t deserve your love and grace and You gave it to me anyway.

Remind me that love is patient and kind. It doesn’t envy, it is not proud, it is not self-seeking. Love doesn’t keep a record of wrongs (1 Cor 13:4-5).

Remove any selfish ambition that is in my heart and remind me of my purpose. Do not let me get distracted with earthly things that I forget the reason why I’m here in the first place.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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