Prayer for Nervousness

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for every one of your promises. Thank you for continuing to remind me that it doesn’t matter how things look, what matters is what you have already SAID about a situation. Thank you for promising to never leave me or forsake me.

I am so nervous. I am nervous I’ll fail or say the wrong thing. I’m afraid things will not happen as I’d expect. I’m nervous that I will look like a fool or that I will not have the answers to the very hard questions that may come. I am nervous that I will get in over my head.

But, I will push through no matter what because I have confidence that You will make a way for me (Isa 43:19). Lead me in the direction I should go. (Psa 32:8). Speak through me when I don’t have the right words (Matt 11:20). Remind me that you did NOT give me a spirit of fear but of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7).

I know that with You, I am invincible because for You, nothing is impossible! (Luk 1:37). And I know my potential is unlimited because the limitless God is inside of me! So I will NOT be nervous, I will be still and trust in You (Psa 46:10).

In Jesus’ name I pray,


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