Prayers for Shame

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for rescuing me from my pit of sin. You are my righteousness, You are my healer, You heal my broken spirit.

Thank you for beginning a great work in me and reminding me that You will finish it (Phil 1:9). You promise that there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. Your word says that there is nothing can separate me from your love (Rom 8). Your word says that the mountains may fall and the hills be removed, but your love for me and your covenant of peace will remain forever (Isa 54:10).

So when the enemy starts to replay my past mistakes and tell me that I’m not good enough or worthy, I will remember that YOUR grace is enough (2 Cor 12:9). I will remember that Your word says I’m forgiven (1 John 1:9). I will remember that You promise to work all things for my good (Rom 8:28). I will remember that You have great plans for me and my future (Jer 29:11). I will NOT feel guilt or shame for a sin You have already forgiven, forgotten (Isa 43:25) and separated as far as east is to the west (Psa 103:12).

Help me work through this. Be my strength.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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